Breathing into grace: Random thoughts on self-care

Lately, I’ve had a lot of conversations about self-care.  I’ve been trying – hard - to revolutionize my whole idea of what self-care feels like, what it looks like, and how I feel about it.  This is work, people.  Hard work. Popular media would have us believe self-care is about treating ourselves: shopping, long baths... Continue Reading →

52 Cards: A Poem in 5 Acts

I. When I realize it’s been months since I wrote a poem I wonder why I’ve had nothing to say. Wonder why words do not burn my skull, why feelings do not pour from my fingers, why rage no longer screams my veins until I drip words- small, heavy, metallic - from artery to floor.... Continue Reading →

Day 12(ish): On Anger

So remember when I promised I was going to write for 30 days, and then I got to day 11 and disappeared? I’m back. And I’ll write the other 19 days. I just can’t promise they’ll be consecutive. Oh well: my blog, my rules. Know what I did this weekend? I bought a punching bag.... Continue Reading →

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